Tuesday, December 14, 2010

New Pictures of a New Baby

Well, Sam finally made his appearance and our lives haven't been the same since.

On day 2 of being home from the hospital we couldn't wait any longer and broke down for a baby photo shoot. It was great!

Included is a pull back for those folks who've been to our house and don't know where that gray wall is.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Future Projects in Planning

We're taking a big positive step (hopefully) and are compiling materials to create an in-home portrait studio set up. Prompting us is the 4 days left until the birth of our son; whom we plan to take awesome portraits of. Also, we'll have more options to set up traditional sessions for 1-2 people in our home.

With an 80+ year old house that's blessed us with lots of windows, we should be in good shape. With all that natural light plus 10 foot plaster white ceilings for bounce flash, this new backdrop support system should work great.

Other recent purchases (all made the night of Cyber Monday) include a roll of Super White 01 and Smoke Gray 74 seamless paper from Savage.

So, indoor or outdoor, we're ready and can't wait to share our progress.